Publications - Museo de Pontevedra

The Museum of Pontevedra carries out a publishing work that began with its opening to the public in the early decades of the 20th century to fulfill the goal of disseminating the cultural heritage it keeps.
In those early days, publications were limited to postcards and information sheets aimed to advertise the Museum’s collections through guides and catalogues and to promote the publication of unreleased materials, particularly the documents regarding the Sampedro legacy, following up the work that the Sociedad Arquelógica de Pontevedra (Archaeological Society of Pontevedra) had initiated with the Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de la provincia de Pontevedra (Collection of unreleased documents for the history of the province of Pontevedra).
During the 1940s, the publishing activity was fairly stable. The Museum published the first issue of the magazine El Museo de Pontevedra, as well as promotional catalogues and brochures regarding the exhibitions held each year, the traditional nadais (Christmas cards), and a variety of guides that included research on different aspects of history, information science or art, mainly of Galicia.
Currently, our publications are classified in four basic categories: the magazine El Museo de Pontevedra; guides, generally publications of documentary sources kept in the rich archive of the Museum or research papers on various topics about the province of Pontevedra and the Galician language; and exhibition catalogues, which take up most of our publishing production. Furthermore, we also co-publish with other institutions other materials such as books targeted to young publics, especially children, teaching materials produced by the Museum, and the Esenciais collection, which is aimed at disseminating outstanding pieces and collections kept at the Museum in a friendly language accessible to all audiences.